
jeans-model (2) und auflösung:

mario sorrenti

mario sorrenti...
modelte 1991 für levi`s 501
war in den frühen neunzigern mit kate moss zusammen
fotografierte die obsessionkampagne mit ihr
ließ sich von ihr fotografieren für vogues hommes international f/w 2007-08

remember this?



koninklijke tichelaar makkum

yoshitomo nara
21st century museum of contemporary art

pup king
This is on-going project of making the 7-meter huge stuffed dog,
“Pup King” that has often appeared in Nara's works. for further information, click here: http://www.kanazawa21.jp/nara/pup_up_the_dog.html

pup patrol
Dog-costume project in which Nara's world and the museum space are harmonized. Children visitors wear the stuffed animal suits of dog designed by Nara, and explore inside the museum.

all photos from julienpaul´s flickr
text source:http://www.kanazawa21.jp/nara/index_e.html